The dynamic realist thought process explores and decodes perceptual consciousness, or more simply put: how the human mind is aware of its surroundings, how it sees and what it is seeing.
Through the advancement of scientific technology, it is now possible to understand which areas of the brain are used to create the formation of mental images. Neurophysiologists know that perception of motion and perception of colour for example are processed in two distinctly separate regions of the brain.
It has become a great puzzle as to how we form a mental image, due to the ingredients that make up that mental image coming from many distinct but widely separated regions of the brain. The puzzling part is that we do not seem to be consciously aware of these distinct parts and their operation when we create and comprehend visual images that we see as our surroundings.
At the heart of the Dynamic Realist thought process, is the ability to be aware of how these separate areas work and are engaged to form comprehension. The application of this thought process reveals how and to what extent the areas can be consciously made to work independently and in combination to create greater perceptual awareness.
When patrons commission a work they recognise the elements of reality that can be captured within a work of Dynamic Realism and they are asked about the subjects they are interested in and the why of their interest. Abbey Walmsley wants to understand how they appreciate their world and the connection or resonance they have with their chosen subject so that it can be transferred into the work of art.
Dyslexic Beginnings
I credit my dyslexia with giving me the ability to understand and explore the world around me and how my perceptual awareness is generated. It also gave me an immense inner drive to work until something was 'right.'Due to my dyslexia I became highly aware of my thought processes, and how they appeared to let me down. I always had to go through a process of rechecking to get it 'right' in the eyes of others. I developed all kinds of memory association games to get to the point where was seeing the world how I should, with the letters and words in the right order....
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